
The BOOS (Baltic Operational Oceanographic System) co-operation was formed in 1997 with the aim to promote and develop an operational oceanographic infrastructure including routine collection, interpretation and presentation of in situ and satellite data. This information is necessary in order to improve efficiency of marine operations, reduce risks for accidents, optimise monitoring of marine
environment and climate, improve assessment of fish stocks and improve foundation of public
marine management.

The BOOS Vision 2015 intends to carry on existing concepts and ideas formulated in the
BOOS Plan covering the period 1999 up to 2003 and in the BOOS Strategy Plan for 2004 –
2010 but at the same time guide and develop the daily work of BOOS, taking into account the
changes taking place in Europe and in particular in the Baltic region.

The implementation of the EC GMES core services in several sectors and presently financed
by EC (FP7) is the overarching change in the marine sector. The marine core service
implementation plan is the guiding document, while the MyOcean R&D project is building
the prototype marine infrastructure. In addition the Maritime Policy in situ data programme
EMODNET is another important operational activity at European level to take into account
for BOOS.

In the Baltic area the implementation of the Baltic Sea Regional Strategy and its
environmental pillar the Marine Strategy Framework Directive is ongoing. Furthermore,
marine spatial planning is a new concept introduced to support sustained and secure
exploitation of marine resources. The Baltic Sea Action Plan is launched by the HELCOM
member countries to combat eutrophication, ship emissions and oil spills to name a few of the
actions planned. While, climate change and society adaptation to these changes is a future
need, detailed basic information is wanted for decision making at local as well as at regional

Not the least to be aware of is the ecosystem approach, becoming the overarching formula for
activities and plans. The principle means that mankind and society activities play a key role in
influencing the ecosystem and we need to incorporate these factors in the operational
oceanographic system in the future.